You know you should be ‘out there’ making this world a better place, there’s only one problem: you don’t have the energy and could sleep for a year…yet never feel rested.

You decide to finally take those days off, book yourself a holiday in Greece, you always wanted to go to Hydra and its turquoise waters, green hills, rocky coastline and no car policy.

Imagine the PEACE!

You’ve trekked, had a lovely sunset drink…visited all the tourist items on your list Yet after a few days, you can’t sit still

Laying on your lounge chair in the sun with that great thriller in your hands makes you feel anxious.

It’s an easy read! You should be engrossed by it, yet every 5 mins you jump up, go fetch water, check your phone, scroll a little, refrain from checking your emails, go back to the book.

You should be relaxed and enjoying this! Why are you so restless?

Then you crash, sleep like never before, yet you feel more tired and heavy.

On day 4, you just feel utterly alone and miserable. Finally you get through it and by day 6 or 7 you start feeling a bit more like your old self.

By the end, you’re ready to go back to work, full of energy! You have plenty of ideas on how to make things better for the community you serve.

You come back...

A week later, the alarm goes off…and the dread is back. You snap at your colleagues, you feel like shit because you just got back and should feel happy and lifted.

What is wrong with you, honestly?

You’re just too sensitive, too emotional, you care too much…you’re not made for this job.

You seriously consider quitting, or maybe changing career. Maybe you already have.

Or you’re thinking you should move to Costa Rica, live on a beach and work at a bar. 

You don’t know who to talk to about this. Is this normal? Your doctor just says to rest. Your friends tell you to prioritize your self-care. The counsellor you finally reached out to wants to know about your childhood…what the hell does your childhood have to do with work!?

The coffee doesn’t kick in as it used to.

You try yoga…urgh, too hard. You try meditation, what’s that app again? ..after 2 breaths you’re back going through your mental to do list…what were they saying? Why do I feel more anxious?

The answer: You’re burnt out. And before you think this is something to be ashamed of, know it is our planet’s work-related-pandemic.

It‘s happening everywhere, and to more people like you who care about their jobs so deeply.

And short holidays, a bit more of selfcare here and there is not going to cut it to fully restore your body’s energy supplies. Coping strategies, stress management tricks, managing the symptoms of burnout will only get you so far. But not far enough.

Did you know that burnout is a physiological manifestation above all?

That working with your biology and the neuroscience behind it is the quickest way to get to the roots of it?

There are very concrete practices that can support you at all levels, but we know it’s the jungle out there. How do you know which to try, what really works for you? ...

The Burnout Recovery Course is the easiest way to go from being stuck and depleted to getting clarity on how to regain your vitality and passion for life,

“It’s all integrated…everything is integrated and that was a big takeaway for me.” - B

The only thing standing between you and overcoming burnout is …

Here are your 4 steps to getting out of the burnout hole, without having to figure it out all on your own and getting lost on the way.

Module 1 It's Not Your Fault - Internalised Burnout Culture

🔥 Feel instant relief, like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

🔥 Take inventory on the culture and systems you work and live in that set you up for burnout. 

🔥 2 Eye-Opening Reflective exercises to identify what’s yours, what’s not and what is REALLY going on in your life that’s draining the life out of you so you can find solutions that work specifically for you.

Module 2 What is the Root Cause of Burnout…and How You Can Fix It.

🔥 Learn the cutting-edge science behind stress and burnout in easy to digest recordings

🔥 Identify the mental, behavioural, physical, emotional and spiritual manifestations of burnout

🔥 Befriend your Autonomic Nervous System and how you respond to stress so you can control it

🔥 "Ah-ah" moments one after another to get you from “WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH ME?” to “OMG, I AM NOT CRAZY!”

Module 3 911 - Burnout Emergency Kit

What’s learning without implementation? Nothing.

🔥 Apply the concrete learnings from Module 2 in your daily life with short practical exercises designed to support your physiology and break the cycles of overwhelm and depletion. 

🔥 6 short exercises you can take anywhere with you, practice EVERYWHERE to quickly de-stress and come back to your body.

🔥 Pick and try out a vast library of methods, modalities, and resources to support yourself at the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels.

🔥 Restore your energy levels gently, so you can start living again.

Module 4 Pathway to Ending Burnout for Good!

🔥 Don’t repeat the same cycles again now that you can breath again.

🔥 Learn about the powerful REGENERATIVE paradigm shift you can take to prevent burnout and continue making the world a better place.

Once you implement the tools and practices of the Burnout Recovery Course, these are the kind of results you can expect:

B - “It’s a start to do the real work and the real healing…I’ve spent 38 years trying to fix this one problem…and I realised I can’t think my way out of it.”

Brie - “I think just having this course, hearing the science behind it, having the practices, being able to go back and rewatch and reread things over and over and over again, it gave me an insight of why I put things off, but also gave me the motivation to be like, there's no reason to put it off...Knowledge is power. Like even though nothing changed in my life in terms of external stressors, knowing why they affected me the way they did gave me the power back and I was able to turn it around.”

Missy - “I liked the educational modules followed by the embodiment practices.”


🔥 You want to feel light and joy again!

🔥 You want support because you're tired of battling this alone.

🔥 You want to take things slow, at your own time and pace.

🔥 You just want to know what to do!

🔥 You are looking for practical, proven and tested guidance on how to feel more energy, connection and joy in your life.

🔥 Would you LOVE to just be able to rest without feeling guilty?

The Burnout Recovery Course for Changemakers is the shortcut that will help get you fast-tracked on your recovery journey, understand why you shouldn’t feel guilty for being burned out, and give you powerful tools to feel calmer, more rested and an extensive library of resources to explore all at your fingertips. 


Total value = 1939USD

Limited Time Offer: 300USD

Right, but how is this different from other stress management courses out there?

BRC is not just theory, do's and dont's that leave you overwhelmed or confused about how to apply it right now.

Not another self-care trick, but concrete, science-based tools and practices to get to the root of burnout and stress.

You can apply them at your own time as you pick and choose what feels right for you in this moment or at times of emergency.


Hi there!

Nice meeting you,

this is us

Marion (left) - You know that story about Hydra up there? That was me…

After a decade working in nonprofits and humanitarian organisations on violence prevention in conflict zones, it got too much. In 2014, after my last mission in South Sudan, I crashed. Hard.

It took me one year and a half to go back to work. I invested my money and my support network to recover. I tried everything I could: yoga retreats, Vipassana meditations, holidays, coaching, weekly therapy, reiki, natural remedies…

Through this exploration, I gathered many tools and I learnt about the science behind burnout: it was a game changer! I regained control of my body and my life, slowly but steadily.

Everything in this course, I have tested on myself, in and out of the field and I have recommended to friends and colleagues.

On top of being an experienced facilitator, I have trained in many of the modalities shared: I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, working with trauma healing. In 2020, i had another close encounter with burnout yet what I can promise you is I never got back to those initial levels of depletion, exhaustion and depression.

I still use the tools shared in BRC EVERYDAY and with every client coming my way.

Erinn (right) - My story with burnout isn’t quite as exciting as Marion’s…but I think it’s much more common. 

I repeated cycles of overwork my entire adult working life. At first it was manageable. I worked really hard for a few months at a time and then inevitably I would get slighlty sick. It was like my body was making me stop for a while, then I was back at it! 

I took a lot of pride in being able to work like crazy. My sense of self-worth was completely wrapped up in doing well and succeeding in whatever project, work-assignment, or mission I was a part of.  

Then I started to feel cracks in my work-aholic shell. When I wasn’t performing the way I wanted to, I started to feel really, really dark and depressed. 

I finally hit rock bottom with depression and felt so worthless it was scary.  

I started therapy and went on a deep personal journey to reorient my way of living and working.

I left my job in the humanitarian sector and became a therapist! I dug deep into my patterns of overwork and exhaustion It’s been the best thing I ever did! 

I still use BCR tools for stress management and I still work hard. But now, I don’t place my sense of self-worth in my work and I loooove to take breaks and relish a good rest. It’s my hope that you can find this peace too!  

Regenerative Changemaking-

In 2017, we met in Iraq working for an International Nongovermental Organisation and we bounded straight away around our views of staff welfare, duty of care, the pervasive burnout culture in the sector and how to manage stress in such highly volatile environments. The dream started then, envisioning healthy work cultures so changemakers can provide the best support possible…while staying sane and without burning out!

In 2021, RCM and our signature coaching program, The True Changemaker were born. Since then, we have felt so grateful to support incredible changemakers around the world transform and shift the way they work, regain vitality and go off doing amazing deeds!

Imagine if...

Your mind is going 100 miles an hour, thinking about work, every chores on your to-do list, making worse case scenarios…except you’re not at work... you’re at the best restaurant in town with your best friends, and can’t seem to focus on the conversation topics.

Before, you would have felt frustrated, isolated and ready to just pack your things and go…

Now, you go to the bathroom, you take 5 minutes doing an easy grounding exercise you learnt in the BRC course and you can feel your mind slowing down, your breath naturally deepening and an overall sense of calm expands in you.

You look around you, you notice your friends’ smiles and their presence warms you up. Are you even feeling grateful?

You still feel like you had enough for your energy levels but you leave having had a good time, and proud of yourself.

You know you didn’t go over your limits, respected your boundaries and tomorrow you’ll be able to take care of that chore with a better mind frame.

All without feeling like something’s wrong with you nor guilty you left early.

How cool would that be??!


  • How soon can I start?
  • Yay! I love your “let’s do it” vibe! As soon as you sign up you have instant access to the modules and practices! Enroll now and you could be already feeling like a stone dropped off your shoulders.

  • Is there any live support?
  • No, BRC is a self-study course and resource library. You can however post comments and we will do our utmost best to answer your questions.

  • What am I getting once I purchase?
  • You have instant access to the course platform, module recordings, practices, reflective exercises to get started now (or when you’re ready)! 

  • I’ve never meditated/ gone to therapy before, do I need to have tried?
  • Nope, not a requirement at all.

  • How is this different from your other offer The True Changemaker Program?
  • The True Changemaker Program is a high-level coaching program that is designed to help you go much deeper and make more profound changes in your ways of working and living. The program is designed to break the cycles of burnout culture and change your work paradigm completely.  The course is more in-depth and designed for when you are out of the burnout hole and looking to make more lasting changes.

  • Is this some other self-care bullshit?
  • What do you have against loving yourself? Too woo-woo? …nah, kidding! Everything we give you is targeting the root causes of burnout, that’s why we focus on the latest neuroscience and biological research. Yes there are some self-care tips we point you towards but these are not enough on their own. We like to see this course as a HUGE SELF-CARE act towards yourself. You deserve it (too lovy dovy for you?...give it a try, it feels good).

  • Why only 300USD? 
  • We’re aware this is a bargain, and we actually charge a lot more of our TCM Program and private clients. We also know how hard it is financially and emotionally to start this journey. We’ve been there and we want to make sure everyone gets this info and a chance to start their recovery journey on the right foot. We’re so passionate about this and believe 100% in how life changing this information and practices are that we want to make them as widely available as possible! This is our way to also pay forward all the help we got along the way as we gathered this knowledge.

  • Is there a refund policy? 
  • We do not refund this course as it is self-study and online product. Once you have access it’s very difficult for us to protect our content.  We know what we’re sharing with you works, but there are no magic pills: it takes applying it and practicing it to get results, which we cannot control. That is part of your journey :-) 

  • How can I pay?
  • By credit or debit card. We use a secure online payment platform / paypal. Please be aware that depending on your residence, tax may be added.    

How long do you want to feel this tired, drained, heavy and lifeless?

If you’ve read through everything we’ve written and made your way all the way down here, then you know something needs to change and you can’t keep doing things business as usual. 

The real question is: How long do you think you can push through before it gets REALLY, REALLY bad?

What happens if your body forces you to stop, to the point of no return? Who and which cause will you be able to help then? What will be the cost of you not being able to function anymore (financially, emotionally, physically)? If you don’t take action now, where will you be in 6 months?

We know it’s scary, and maybe we sound a bit dramatic but it’s because we’ve been there, and we know what it takes to take a leap of faith and invest in oneself’s wellbeing, to question whether you really deserve it, or maybe you can wait for a ‘better time’...when will it be better? 

Inside BRC, we show you what to do, where to turn so you don’t get to that point. So you can walk the recovery journey with confidence and get back out there making a difference, being of service and sharing your light faster. 

We very much hope to see you inside BRC!